Despite their 7" on slapaham being one of the most collectable and sought after raraties on that label this discography Lp (also on slapaham) is even rarer. 200 on white and the rest on black and I've seen people fork out a bit just for the black version. It collects all the tracks previously released on wax (7", split 7" w/Man is the bastard, split 5" with Drop dead, comp trx etc) and also adds a couple of live sets. One of those legendary bands from the 90's that were only about a short but their influence is still being felt to this day.

Worth noting that before the slapaham LP, a crossed out discography had already been released on 10" (albiet unofficially). Actually this angered the band so much that's why the official release finally came about. Funny the culprit of this release, Sergio Montoya is on the fuck you list. Actually I got duped by him in a trade so he certainly lived up to his rep. Nice release though as you can see. Even though he put it out he was actually after big rare items to trade for it. The cheek, eh?