As I’ve said I’ve been going for big items this year and they don’t come much bigger than this, not price wise anyway. Every owner of this gem has their own story to tell so here’s mine. I first heard this via bootleg in the early 90’s and hated it. As you all know this was the original recording of what would end up as the classic album ‘Bringin’ it down’. The band were unhappy with the result and insisted on re-recording it in a different studio (which in hindsight turned out to be the best choice). These songs sound less metallic than they do on ‘Bringin’ it down’ and a lot more rawer. Back in the day I could have probably grabbed one of these if I had been so inclined to own it then and for a fraction of the price it now commands. Skip forward many years later and the idea of owning one started appealing more to me even though I didn’t even like the damn recording. Oh there was the price that seemed to be sky rocketing. When I dug out the Judge discography a bit ago and listened to the chung king recordings and decided they sounded great. I instantly started telling myself I had to own one.
After months of umm-ing and arr-ing I decided to put a post up on the rev collectors board and instead of waiting months or years like some people previously have I was directed to one for sale straight away. Five days later I had one in my hands. Only in the internet age...
As you can see this is number 25. This actually travelled with Marcus's copy around 1996 and was previously owned by Vique Martin who sold it to someone in Italy where I got it from.
So after getting the holy grail of hardcore records I could probably knock this record collecting malarkey on the head and retire. That will never happen but I won't be paying this sort of money for a single record again that's for sure.
Restraining Order FYA
4 days ago
Amazing!! Well done sir
Thanks dude.
Looks to be in great shape. You'll have to bring it with you to my house one day to reunite it with its mate.
Damn. When did you come into a boatload of money? Well done.
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